Expert support, when you need it.

Ways we can work together.

Every business’s greatest fear is failing; be it employees quitting, products not selling, or marketing efforts not returning. If you want to achieve your desired success, start here


Preventative Package

For businesses that are 1-3 years in age. You want to make sure you’re setting yourself up for future and continued success. 3-4 hours per month. Pricing starts at $275/month. Can be remote or in-person.

Brand Strategy Package

For businesses that need an over-hall. Your efforts are starting to feel like they aren’t providing a return. You’re tired, spinning your wheels, and feel like you’re losing traction. 10+ hours to develop a strategic brand plan. Pricing starts at $1600. Pricing is dependent on the age/size of the business and the number of active marketing channels. Remote or in-person.

Contracted CMO Work

For businesses needing a part-time CMO to integrate with their marketing team or manage a new/existing vertical. While you may have employees executing the tactile marketing (social posting, email, etc...), you need a strategic plan to guide and direct these efforts. Pricing is dependent on the project requirements.

A La Carte Services

For entrepreneurs in need of project-based services; raising money, proving your concept, brand positioning, product pitches, and event management. Pricing starts at $95 an hour with an estimated workload before starting.

Launching a Business

You have a great idea, but have no clue where to start. I’ll work with you to build a rock-solid foundation and help you execute your idea. Pricing varies but typically starts at around $3,000. This includes a strategic brand plan, branding (if needed), licensing help (business structure and filing), and website/Etsy/etc…